Toasting life’s great moments - Greeting card
The world provides you with a blank book and only you can fill in the chapters with your travels to distant lands. Along the way, while you write the narrative, others write the dialogue in different languages of the heart, mind and spirit. You might meet up with a Dutch family such as the Westras' pedaling on their way from Amsterdam to Rome. You might stop into a small Italian town to enjoy lunch in a park across from a bistro. Moments later, two Italians walk across the street with an iced bottle of wine and basket of cheese and bread. They approach, "Welcome to our little village... thank you for visiting us... we would like to share some of our homemade bread, cheese and wine." Moments later, you toast to their good health and the friendships of the world created by traveling. Then, as you sip the wine and taste the bread and cheese, it dawns on you that travel brings magic to your life. A big smile breaks out not only on your face, but all through your soul. Mark Twain said, "Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness." You toast your new friends and they raise their glasses to toast life. Ah, the perfect moment.

Touring cyclists toasting lunch with wine, Corona, Italy © 2012 Frosty Wooldridge
Marloes, Anneke, Frosty, Gary and Jan toasting to a tasty lunch after being presented with an iced bottle of wine, bread and cheese in a small town in the south of Italy near Rome. Gary, Bob, Denis and Frosty met many such moments on their pedaling journey from the Arctic Circle, Norway to Athens, Greece.